Being the “bigger person” will make you the Bigger Person.

In sales, the more rejection you take – the more money you make.

In business, the more disrespect you can take without being offended – the richer you will become.

“Proverbs 19:11
[11]The discretion of a man deferreth his anger; and it is HIS GLORY to pass over a transgression.”

Don’t take the offensive things that people do, personally. If you can be the “bigger person,” you will actually become the bigger person.

If you are invincible emotionally, you will become invincible in reality.

It’s okay to protect yourself – but don’t treat everybody like a threat.

You can make everything work for your benefit, but a ‘me against the world’ mindset can sabotage your success.

Forgive other people’s disrespect AS IF you were invincible to it.

Pretty soon, the same people that tried to hurt you will be helping you. Forgiveness changes people, and they can potentially become 10x more valuable than their offense.

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